Published May 22, 2023
3 mins read
514 words
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The Human Mind And Thoughts Of Life

Published May 22, 2023
3 mins read
514 words


        Human being is blessed with the wonderful machine to think'the mind'. Man is a thinking machine. Man is his mind. The mind has the unimaginable capacity to heal or kill. It is said that ‘you think therefore you are’. Thoughts govern the conditions in the world. The thoughts determine your state of being and life. The thoughts you entertain set the tone for your well being or otherwise.

         Thoughts are the vibrations of the mind. Each individual is a spiritual being who has the capacity to think. That capacity or faculty is called mind. Nobody can remain without thoughts. Life is active when one is thinking. Mind has different dimensions. Psychologists say that the conscious mind is ten percent of the mind. Therefore, one is using only ten percent of the mind. Therefore, one is using only ten percent of the mind. The conscious mind is the tip of an iceberg. Ninety percent is not active. In this context,positive thinking assumes greater importance. As the thoughts, so is the state of being. If the quality of thoughts is the best, then the life at that point of time is pleasant and happy.


          Different kinds of thoughts emerge in our mind.Some people say that there are 8 kinds of thoughts.They are 1,toxic thoughts,2,negative thoughts,3,ordinary thoughts,4,waste thoughts,5,necessary thoughts,6,positive thoughts,7,right thoughts,8,elevated thoughts.These thoughts have vibrations and colour.As the thoughts,so is the state of being of a person.However all these thoughts can be summed up into 4 categories 1,negative,2,waste,3,necessary and 4,positive thoughts.

   Some of us have the habit of thinking negative even if the situation is positive and favourable.Some of us think unnecessarily on a situation. Which is already over. Both these kind of thoughts drain away our spiritual energy. They pollute our mind. Both the negative and waste thoughts are seeded into vices of various kinds. These thoughts destroy our life. On the other hand,we have the option to think positive on a worst unfavourable situation. Not only we save our life, but also we will be able to save many others lives.

Eg for positive thinking

    Two friends were on a pleasure voyage to the seas. Their ship hit on a rock and damaged and downed. The waves carried them to the shores. They found themselves on an uninhabited island. One of them was a complainer and the other was a thanker and counted his blessings. He thanked the Lord, for he believed that the Lord saved them from drowing in the sea. The complainer had always been cursing the Lord for their present plight. In the meanwhile, they built a hut with leaves and branches of the trees. The positive thinker had lot of faith on God would save them. One day the hut caught fire during night. When they went to the seashore next morning they saw a steamer waiting for them. When the hut caught fire that was seen from a distance by a steamer passing by and saw the smoke and they came to the seashore thinking that there would be someone who needed help and they were rescued.


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