FRIENDS" is an iconic television series that has captured the hearts of millions around the world, and it's not hard to see why. With its lovable characters, witty humor, and enduring charm, this show has left an indelible mark on the world of television. Here's why "FRIENDS" deserves all the praise.
Friends is easily the best show to have ever been made, the show is relatable to anyone of any age, has amazing characters that you are bound to connect with, great writing, amazing acting, and so comforting as well. No show has made me laugh more, put a smile on my face more, cry as intensely, and had me as emotionally invested as Friends. You connect to every single character, and you get to see these amazing people grow and learn and change as they navigate the world over 10 years. Friends has taught me so much about being a good friend, partner, sibling, and just a good human in general. If you ever feel down, watching Friends will surely brighten your mood. I loved all the characters, Joey's wholesome, sweetness, and innocence, Phoebe's uniqueness, quirkiness, and joyfulness despite a troubled upbringing, seeing Rachel grow from being a spoiled girl marrying for money to a strong and independent woman working in fashion, Monica's wonderful scrappiness, cleanliness, and responsibility to take care of others, Chandler's signature sarcasm, pure funniness, and caringness, and Ross's passion and love. I will always love this show. It got me through a tough time in high school, made me feel whole, helped me distract me from my pain, and always made me happy. This show will always hold a special place in my heart and I will never forget Ross, Rachel, Monica, Chandler, Phoebe, and Joey. Ever.
This show proves with great writing and acting how something so beloved has lasted for 25 years, we all have our favourite episodes and for each generation that has come since have found things that are relatable, not many shows or sitcoms have that power.
From my perspective, the show is not only about friendships and relationships but is also more likely to be a chicken soup for the soul. The lines in the show are meaningful and indicate the real life of an individual. For instance, when Monica tries to cheer Rachel up, her line says, welcome to the real world! It sucks! But you are gonna love it. With time going by, I can finally realise that the show is our life, and life is a show. Furthermore, I have watched Friends three times, and each time I felt more connected to the character. It is said that a person can find himself in every character of the show.
I love this show so much and if you haven't watched it already this is your sign. You won't regret it.