Hello all I'm going to tell about C language in computer science C is an easy language
C is developed by Dennis Ritchie in 1972 . Its an Queen of language, Structure oriented Language, Programming language and middle level language.
C is used for maths, business, graphics,machine level language.C is an partial and machine code users will be easily understood the codings.
There is an 7 Structure in this C. They are..
Header file, Preprocessor, Function declaration,Datatype declaration,Input statement,Calcuation and function, Output statement.
In C language header files are Stdio- standard input and output Conio-console input and output. This Stdio- is used for function and method
Conio is used for input and output it's an command window and also support the getch() and clrscr() and here getch () - To get character,To read the character. clrscr() - To clear the output window.
It's an written with coding user defined process
Global variable declaration:
Eg: int a,Void main() this declaration is called global variable declaration
Local variable declaration :
Eg: void main()int a ; this declaration is called local variable declaration
Its an prototype this have a four methods
1:. With return type and with argument and parameters. eg: int(user)int
2: Without return type and without argument eg:user() 3: With return type and without argument eg:int(user) 4: Without return type and with argument. eg: user(int)
Data type is an using to declaration of variable it's an int, float,char,longint,shortint,double, longint,bololean etc….this are called primary data type
Struct,union,enum,typedef this are called user defined data type
Array,stack,queue, linked list etc…. This are called derived data type.
Void () this simple void is called an empty data type.
Its have two methods to follow. Compile time value and Run time value.
This are the general and basic of C programming languages… this c,c++,c# this are same and some upgrade of c and this c we will read in 12th std and collage first year and this we called as a ANSI C and Turbo C this software it's an command window.
How can explore the codings in this window
Here mentioning some code
/n -new line.
/t - tab space.
/V- vertical.
/a- alert.
/h - horizontal.
//- back slash this are the some print statement
To be continued…
Hope you are understood this