Published Jul 26, 2021
3 mins read
555 words
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Connecting Disconnected- Part 2

Published Jul 26, 2021
3 mins read
555 words

                 On one fine day, a message came to our college what"s up group .It was about informing us that out beloved Head of the Department Durga ma'am is going to be retired from her 38 years long professorship on 30 June 2021. Our seniors are planning zoom meeting with her and all other working and retired teachers as well as non teaching staff.So anyone who has best quality picture of ma'am were suppose to e-mail  those to respective senior.That massage was good enough to create buzz in our group.

                     On this 4th July ,meeting was set and zoom link was shared with us in the group.As it was Sunday and meeting time was 4 pm and as I am totally lazy person to be awoke at that time of the Sunday, I missed the meeting.I asked my bests whether they were there or not and they had same reason for not being there.I was bit upset.

                      After two days,one of our friend posted link of recorded zoom meeting.I was cloud nine!!!!No one expected that four hour long meeting being recorded.That was a lottery!!

                        For next few days I was watching the meet .It was pure bliss!! Our super super seniors were also there.Some of them were of my parents age. It was amusing.People were sharing there memories about Durga  ma'am,her beautifully hand written notes, department and their classmate about whom our batch is totally unaware.Some classified  practical secrets where spoiled by student who are now teachers.Our coordinator framed few fun games for all our teachers and made them talk about their teaching career,students ,experience ,experiments they did on teaching method and struggle between their professional and personal life .Listening to this was absolute fun.Some students are now settled in abroad . They were awake at 4 am  or 1 am according to time zone. All of them were telling that how Durga ma'am encourage them to go for new opportunity and now they are vary satisfied with their career growth and life .Two student couples were there and they told story of how ma'am lead them to become life partners.This matchmaking side of mam was new for us.

                       Durga ma'am use to be friendly as well as deadly professor at a time.She use to tell us stories about how notorious she was as a students and use to make fun of her teachers. Backbenchers community across all batches is been always close to her.She encourage all of us to follow our dreams passionately.But during practicals her behavior is like her name.She is been always particular about techniques and she wanted us to follow the same.She has motherly affection towards all her students.It was really fascinating knowing that many of us never met in life but one person is connecting us all together was our ma'am even it virtually.Thanks to technology!!

                         This type of connections are universal. Meeting your teacher is another level of happiness and I think reconnecting your teacher is what GURU PURNIMA about.

P.S- I wrote this article before Guru Purnima but unable to post it on date.           I hope you enjoy this.Do like ,comment ,share .Suggestions are always welcome. 

banhisikha_12 7/26/21, 7:11 AM
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pvshettigar 7/26/21, 7:43 AM
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whiteear 7/26/21, 8:25 AM
R e a d. m i n e. t o o F o l l o w. m e. t o. g e t f o l l o w e r s
panda 7/26/21, 8:30 AM
R e a d. m i n e. t o o F o l l o w. m e. t o. g e t f o l l o w e r s
pri_4 7/26/21, 10:10 AM
Beautiful writeup. Please follow back and read mine too
gang.scholars 7/26/21, 11:40 AM
Nice blog, read mines too.

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