Somewhere we all do lose some of our part, which left-back in past.
We all who got this opportunity, do have a chance to relive the beautiful, innocent memories of the past.
That childhood board games, the hide and seek.
Bring back old ones to childhood.
Distances become closer, haters become lovers.
The mischief done when were kids will be done again which makes mature the immature, childish for the sake of childhood memories.
Love those who are with you all the time not physically but mentally supported you, cause it's a very crucial time that we all going through. Hard to stay at home do the same routine daily all day long but trust me this is difficult but not impossible, everything gonna is fine we'll soon hug each other without any fear, we will go out to take the kiss of the sun ☀️, but we need to be patient.
Be thankful for everything you have now, cause life is too short to be needy. I lost some of my known ones, some of my family, my friend. We are so busy with our own lives, with the dilemmas that we forget we might have the best time as compared to others life.
We are not peeking into any other life so we don't know what they are going through, they might be in much more position than us, so why can't we cherish the moment we have now without regretting what we can get much better or what we don't have.
Loving is a difficult thing to commit.
But we can do it right, we are the smartest species ever discover till now, so why can't we grow together and do something better for our living beings. Why can't we protect our self protect our future by securing our present? Just simple things to commit on with, wear a mask 😷, keep social distancing, wash hands 🙌 again and again
By doing this you are not protecting yourself but also your family 👪 your friends, your known loved ones, to whom you want to keep safe at any cost.
Don't worry we are in this all together and we will get through this all together 🤝.
Life is changing bring everyone together again.