Hello all
welcome to this small thought which came in my mind and i m just representing it to front of those readers who are there with me.
That me as a 17 years old student can also write something on this platform and can get many opportunities not to just earn but to earn some good knowledge and experience.
As I am writer from this small age i can also work in this age but some having different mentalities as what they think.
We work as to earn money but which kind of work people do in the India. As this Indian people compare this work as higher class and the lower class of work but one question is there that work is work as why should we has to differtiate it ? You know in the foreign countries like in the developed countries there is not discrimination of this kind of work as from the age of 15 the children are started to go on the part-time jobs to make themselves self independent financially which id quiet good process or thinking of the people.
In India there is restrict that below 14 years of age the child can’t work so this is ok at somewhere but then also parents don’t allow them to work after 14 also.
So this mentality of the people should be to changed and send their children to work as part-time work as they can work at factory, restaurant, cashier, guard, etc. or they can also work online as they can their own websites or online business etc.
So this is good for the developed countries that they work without hesitation and earn money and there is also benefit that people will not judge them about their work but they will appreciate them which is motivating. So we also do work somewhere so that we will not need to ask for money to parents.
So there should be the feeling of oneness and has to work together. So work can be anything and we has to do without any discrimination because money is everything and also do that work which you like and suits to your personality.
Because than only you will see the world because in your there can be many obstacles but defeat that also so that you can get expert in your work and become creative by performing that work.
So this thought is good that “NO WORK IS SMALL AS WORK IS WORK”