I know everyone who read the topic would definitely say LOVE. But, is that what really happens when we think about it ? I don't agree with it.
People get misunderstood between love and lust most of the times. It is not to be pointed out as a wrong thing. We all learn by making mistakes. It is therefore the same case with this. Not that I'm telling list is a bad thing. It definitely isn't. After all we are human beings who tend to have these feelings.
What might go wrong is that thinking Lust as love. It's not the looks and wealth that is needed to fall in love. It is something beyond that. Two souls understanding each other.
Being accompanied by a person in our rough and tough situations will make us feel good about them. But it is not love. We don't get this at the beginning. But as years go things change and we realise it was never love. It was never what I wanted in my life.
Understanding even after making the mistake is fine. Because we get to know the difference. It's not that the thoughts of two persons should be same. One might have actually loved the other. But a single hand can't clap, right? It's exactly the same. We need both of them to be in love in order to have a good traditional relationship.
It does not matter even if you are single. Being in a toxic relationship is not worth your time.
And sometimes people may expect only lust. No strings attached . If they are okay with it then that would not be a problem at all.
It is just the attraction to the opposite gender or infatuation as it is called. Eventually it fades away along with your love for them. This is why it is never long lasting and it is not true love.
Lust is overrated. It will bring us regret and shame if it had happened. It is also kinda selfish.
Whereas love hits you differently. You can have lust in your love but love cannot happen only with lust.
So be wise whil e you decide about what and whom you want in your life.
It is the connection that we can not explain. You will never wake up once you have fallen for a true love.