One day a student went to his master and told, “Master, my meditations are horrible. I am distracted all the time and my legs hurt.” After listening to his student's rants, the master replied, “It will pass”. After hearing his master's words, the student went back and tried again. After several days of trying and practice, the student was finally able to achieve the bliss of meditation. The happy student went back to his master and told him, “Master, my meditation has improved and now I can do it for hours in one go. Thank you for your words.” On hearing this master replied, “it will pass.”
This story sounds similar to the one about a king who had a ring engraved with the words “this too shall pass”. This is not a new concept and these stories are not new to us, but what is the relevance of these stories in the present time?
Everyone who is reading this blog will have at least one problem that needs to be solved but is unable to find a way out of it due to the pandemic. Some have their exams postponed, some have missed their college days, some lost their jobs, some are trying hard to find another job, some have their business shut down, some have been separated from their loved ones, some lost their family, some are orphaned and so much more.
Pandemic has created a deep hole in our financial stability and mental wellbeing. We are now where we almost feel like we will never be able to make the ends meet and this will never be ok. There are tons of motivational speeches, quotes and self-help books but we are unable to find a hope to hold on to.
This is where the story comes to help us. I am not telling that this will end all our miseries and hardships, but I am telling that at least this story reminds us that nothing is constant and this too shall pass. We regret the past and we worry about the future forgetting to live the present, which is the only thing we actually have.
Today you may be sad, worried and depressed but that doesn't mean you will stay like that forever, as the master said, “it will pass”. You will find happiness, hope and good days in your life, but remember, that will pass too. All we can do is live in present and enjoy this moment without attaching too much to the feelings.