The biggest reason for people giving up to doing great things is that they are afraid to start.
Hello guys! Welcome to my next blog and thank you for reading my previous ones.
Don't deny that you have some good plans for the betterment of yourself pending in your checklists.
No one never has a thought of a good practice or habit that they think they should adopt for their improvement or what should help them in their future. But the tought generally keeps pending just because most of them are generally to afraid or too anxious to start.
Just because something looks like a big task today, it doesn't mean that it is too early to start. Every big task has initial small steps that need to be implemented beforehand simply to ensure that you do take up the habit.
Actually, the simple solution is that whenever there is something as an idea for yourself, don't think about how you will do it in the future, think about how you will begin. Think about the steps that you need to take at the present itself.
And talking about the problem of self motivation, one can simply get motivated by thinking about the things that he/she is doing it for. For examle if you are trying to study but just feel it to be boring or useless, just think about what you might become and the kife you might get if you succeed in the field which will only happen if you do that thing right now.
Procrastination lies as another big hurdle to this.
Never leave things for tomorrow, I repeat never, if you can do it in the present. Anything that gets postponed at first has the tendency to keep getting postponed for a longer time.
And finally the simplest way to start something is to start it. There no shortcuts unfortunately. But there i this thing that whatever you should do, must have a strong reason behind it. While doing somthing without proper reason, you will ultimately end up avoiding it and procrastinating.
Dont do anything simply to say that you are doing something. Do something for yourself, no matter people see it or not, whether you get helped or not, whether you get supported or not. Just do it for the sake of yourself and you will become great.
I really hope that this blog makes you start something good for you.
Thank you for reading till the last and keep reading(my blogs😁)
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