Swami Vivekananda is the greatest sage born in India. Today, the 157th birthday of the person who gave answers to many problems such as religion, caste and discrimination in India through his philosophies is being celebrated today.
Don't get away with lying; Stick to the truth. A lie does not live; Truth never dies
Once Vivekananda was giving a lecture in the state of Rajasthan
Then a lot of people started asking a lot of questions, and this program continued for three consecutive days
Vivekananda was a poor farmer who participated in this without even drinking water
Sir, you haven't eaten, are you hungry?
If you don't want that, you can buy me a basket of food
Sir, I am a poor farmer, there are many rich people here, he said that if I give food, it will not be good
All the rich people objected to it
Even if you listen to everything I say, this is the person who felt my hunger first, I will eat only this person
He said that it is okay if you are angry
Everyone was surprised to see Vivekananda's decision.
Vivekananda had left for Chicago for a lecture
Then my mother ate and said
Vivekananda, who wanted to eat immediately, took a knife and started cutting the fruit
Then my mother told me to give that scream to me
Immediately Vivekananda also changed in the same way
For that, my mother told me that you have passed the exam that I gave
Surprised, Vivekananda asked what kind of match it was, to which his mother said, "When you gave it to me, you gave it back to me with the pointed part and the handle part with me."
This is how you behave in everything
You may be asked sharp questions as if you are angry, then we have told you to hold hands and give only the necessary answers.
Thomas Alva Edison introduced the electric light with himself
Then he said that he had checked more than 1000 items and found this bulb.
They asked the press that was there then how it was to fail 1000 times
Edison said that this electric lamp is the 1000th step
You say that the first failure is like the first success for me, you said that I was able to climb the 1000th success step only because I climbed that step slowly.