This story is of about a girl, who was just 15. She was happy she was not getting her periods. Happiness of no period pain, happiness of wearing whatever you want without the tension of getting stains.5 months and still no periods she was happy. Once sitting between a group of girls in school she was in thought that why her stomach was paining, maybe she was gonna get her periods this month. But it didn't came. There was still pain in her stomach, but she didn't said to her mother. The mother never paid much attention over this. The girl then one day complained her mother about the severe pain she felt in her lower abdomen. Her mother thought maybe its the periods pain. The girl started crying, her mother took her to the clinic. The doctor asked, โwhen was the last time you got your periods?". The girl replied." around 5-6 months back". The mother was taken aback by the answer, still being uneducated about such issue didn't paid much heed. The doctor said them to do a sonography. Next day when the results came the doctor said," I had a doubt, but now its confirmed that you have PCOS(and explained everything and gave medicines). But the mind of the girl was just stuck on the lines," she may have problem conceiving". The girl cried at night in loneliness no one knew about that. Whenever she used to see babies on tv she used to think about her situation. But her mother didn't knew. The emotions the girl felt were strong. As she grew up, she started reading articles and watching videos about this issues. She came across many stories of women who have same issue. She became strong on her own. She never shared anything with anyone. She completed her studies, did her job, she started getting regular periods but cyst was there. This was when she got to know that she has to maintain a healthy body for controlling her issues. Once the mantra was learned she was becoming strong emotionally.
Please do educate teenagers about certain things. Give them proper knowledge about health issues and changes(or knowledge about what they need to know in that particular age). Don't let any negative thoughts bother the teenagers, because in that age they tend to think more negatively rather than positively
Note:- The images are taken from google