Warren Buffett: "If you don't find a way to make money while you sleep, you will work until you die."
Is there really any way to earn money while you sleep ?
Answer is already been figured out by the person whose this quote is , “INVESTING”. There is hardly any person who don't know who “ Warren Buffett” self made billionaire, king of investing, started his investing career at age of 11.
Whenever I ask my parents where to invest my money . They always respond by saying ,"oo.. put money in FD get a safe 6-7% percent interest and enjoy your life".
To answer this question you first need to know meaning of some basic terms like :-
Inflation :- you may remember your parents saying" oo.. we used to go to schools and pay only a rupee of fees for entire year" you may assume they are bluffing but they are not . That's where inflation comes in .
I think this is enough to explain meaning of inflation.
Now let's compare inflation vs return on FD
According www.statista.com inflation rate of 2020 was 6.2% .And the world best can give only 9-10% interest on FD's which is also taxable , giving you a net interest less than inflation.
If you managed to follow till now you may have understood that if you today invest 1 lakh INR in FD in the best interest possible after say 8 years you will get 80,000 INR in return doesn't it sound absurd.. But that's the reality for you.
There are variety of other investments which most of the people say is gamble . But are they really a gamble . Let's ask best investor alive Warren Buffet :-
If Warren Buffett said risk is only lack of information can't we easily remove it . Who would not like a gamble in which there are 0 risk.
Well I will just lay the points and explain them in future blog as it's neither possible for me to explain everything in a single blog and neither for you to read and retain a blog of 10 million words.
So here's the list I am going to elaborate each and every topic in future blogs: