Anything can happen in life. There are times when a person makes a series of mistakes and then reaps the consequences. There are times when a set of circumstances is very harsh and unpleasant. It happens that the closest ones stab you in the back.
But nothing should break you. Even if it's hard, you'll still cope and overcome.
Life rules that help you to overcome difficulties on your own and learn to be happy even in difficult times.
1) If things aren't going well for you now, that doesn't automatically make you a bad person.
It doesn't make you a worse person.
And the mere fact that things are bad now doesn't mean that you deserve only that.
2) Treat yourself as your best and favorite friend
Take care of yourself, give yourself support, and choose the best for yourself.
3) Never betray your values
Values are useful precisely because you can always rely on them. By betraying your values, you betray yourself. You gain nothing by doing so.
4) Remember that #happiness is not about perfection, but about your own balance and harmony.
You should not strive for perfection, but for that which gives you personally a feeling of harmony and comfort.
5) Make an effort, and everything will happen, sooner or later.
He who does not fail to act and does not relinquish his responsibility, in the end is sure to cobble out the bad, and also get decent results.
6) Ask yourself more often: are you making a conscious choice right now?
Are you being forced or is it your decision?
Have you considered all the alternatives?
7) Be close to the people who treat you well.
And further away from those who are dangerous and toxic to you.
8) More often switch from thinking about other people's successes and achievements to your own.
You obviously don't have an abundance of resources right now. So spend those resources on getting to what you want as soon as possible.
9) Defend yourself with the means available to you and don't let anyone trample you down.
Don't let yourself fall into victimhood, even if it's hard. Defend yourself as best you can.
10) Instead of suffering for the past, deal with your present and your future.
Obviously there is a lot of work to do, so don't sabotage it. You're trying to do it for yourself. The past has no power over you.
11) Keep Your Little Planet in order.
Let your little piece of space, that which belongs to you, give you joy, inspiration, and strength.
12) Focus on what you can do.
Do what is within your reach. Change what you can change.