Even when a girl's thoughts, views and ways are presented in the film, the plot in the first parts is completely anti-feminist. Jayajayajaya Jayahe shows how misogynistic the society is through small things and imposes justice, equality and freedom a thousand times.Here, the petticoat lady who tries to jump at the parangi mango that is out of her reach is shown to be able to capture her inhibitions one day. The film does not advise the girls that many things begin where everything seems to end.Not just Rajesh in Basil Joseph's Rajbhavan and Jayabharathi in Darshan Rajendran, Aziz Nedumangad's cousin, Mani Amvan in Sudhir Paravoor, Jayan in Anand Manmathan and Manju Pillai's family court judge are all portrayed simply. The film often blurs the fine line between humor and satire.Basil Joseph's 'ordinary Malayali' boy and Darshan's self-educated new Malayali girl/woman trying to advance are the intersection of society.Writers Nasheed Muhammad Fami and director Vipin Das convince viewers that Jaya is being raised by her father 'like Nehru raised Indira Gandhi' and show what 'Indira Gandhi was like' at the most opportune times.Mash, who highlights the women's progress in MSS College, the angry husband who is a 'puppet', the father who brought him up and brought him up, the uncle who gives his opinion on everything, the brother who makes fun or stands by the girl's life, starting with the 'men born in the family' who 'control the life' of the girl,Moreover, there are 'women born in the family' in the film, including the teary-eyed mother, the nathoon who does not take the necklace, the housewife who thinks all of Mon's actions are poor, and the women of Kudumbashree. But all of them will change their positions depending on the situation.