Hi there! Welcome or welcome back my dear bloggers to my daily blogs. I hope you are in great health and mood.
So today will be the first part of the mythological story of the Ragnarok. This will a introductionary part so pay attention to this to enjoy the further parts. Midgard, the Earth as we know now was the place or the world of the descendants of Ask and Embla, who were the first couple of humans created by the gods. Human beings survived with the protection of the gods who always made sure that they are safe from the forces of chaos.
Thor Odinson, also considered as the terminator of the giants, protects the land of men from being taken over by the giants. With the gods' protection, the humans were able to thrive without really doing any thing in return such as sacrifices towards the gods. These humans had to deal with the strictness of the chilly winter and prepared themselves through all the problems the icy cold weather would throw at them. But they also knew that the gods will not always be there to protect them and also that the land of Asgard would soon be under terror in the times of Ragnarok.
On Midgard, men prepared themselves to deal with the difficulties with the upcoming harsh winter, but they were unaware of what would come. As the winter arrived, it was as harsh and icy as expected but what became the unexpected part was the time period of this winter. That winter stayed for the time equal to that of three winters without any summer in between them. The nights began to be longer and longer and each night would break their hopes of having a sun ever. As a result, food supplies ended in time and they were forced to eat egg producing chickens and even their own pets. They began to fight berween themselves for food resources, brothers killed each other, children betrayed their parents, and the chaos grew more and more. Their weapons were always soaked in someone's blood.
Back in Asgard, the Isarian gods prophesied the quarrel between the gods and the forces of chaos. And this world ending event was known as Ragnarok ( The Twilight of the Gods).
So that was all for this part of the Ragnarok. See you in the next part.
Thank you for reading this farβ¦.