Published Jun 9, 2021
7 mins read
1462 words
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How To Get Rid Of Pimples And Acne

Published Jun 9, 2021
7 mins read
1462 words

Hello im div. mostly teenagers or adults suffers from pimples but doesnt know what it is and how to control it . Even i have suffered a lot with pimples but i have contolled them using these tips .

What is a pimple in short ?

Pimples happens when pores become clogged with sebum and dead skin. Sometimes this leads to infection and inflammation. Pimples develops when oil glands are clogged and infected causing pus filled pimples, red lesions .pimples mostly occurs at teenage or during mensuration for women . How to control pimples ?

1. Wash your face 2 times a day with a gentle cleanser or an oil controlling face cleanser .cleansing helps in cleaning your skin and removing dirt ,oil from your skin . 

2.Drink plenty of water !! Everybody says this but does this really works or only makes you pee a lot ?  I have tried this and yes it works as it gives a glow on skin and removes toxins from our body which helps in reducing pimples. But to detox your body you should go for lemon juice and warm water empty stomach daily this helps in cleaning your body within helps in reducing pimples too. 

3.Applying sunscreen is a very very necessary step !! But why ? Its neccesary to apply sunscreen before stepping out in sun to protect your skin from uv rays as when we are going under pimples treatment we have to be very careful about sun as pimples can get worse .always apply sunscreen 30 minutes before stepping out in sun with spf 30-50.

4.Dont!! Touch your face . Touching your face too much can spread more bacterias on your face which you are carrying in your hands. always make sure to wash your hands before touching your face. 

5. Say no to heavy makeups  ❌⚠️ as heavy makeup can cause more breakouts . you should avoid makeup as much as possible it will harm your pimples and will also clogg your pores leading more tiny bumps and breakouts. 

6.One of the most neglected thing we all do is no control over diet . Diet also plays an important role in controlling pimples .avoid oily , junk food ,cut dairy products as much as you can . Go for green leafy vegetables which has good amounts of zinc as zinc helps in fighting pimples or skin eruptions. Eat healthy and balanced diet this work also work for your pimples.

7.Exercise daily dont even skip a day for best results go for yoga asaanas such as Pranayama, Sarvangasana,Bhujangasana,padmasana etc . Helps in get rid of pimples and breakouts as these gives proper blood circulation to your skin and oxygenates more blood .you can also go for gym as their you will sweat more but remember to always wash your face after sweat from exercises .

8. Do not pop your pimples as popping pimples can cause pits holes on your skin and will also spread more bacteria on your face .this also harms your skin let it go by itself never ever try to pop it .

9. Clear your stomach every morning as if you have constipation problem you should first cure it have warm water empty stomach clear it out as it produces more pimples and tiny bumps .it balances out your hormones and effectively eliminates wastes taken the burden off  from your skin and if you have better gut health you are more likely to have less or no pimples. 

 1. Tea tree oil treatment - tea tree oil has anti-inflammatory and anti - bacterial properties which makes it best oil for pimple prone skin  .

How to use tea tree oil for pimples ?

Take 1 tablespoon of tea tree oil mix it with 1 tablespoon of lavender,rose, or coconut oil .apply it to affected areas .apply moisturizer if needed .repeat 1-2 times a day .  2. Ice cubes massage -  ice cubes massage provides more blood circulation to your skin which helps in better supply of blood and oxygen .it also helps in reducing oil (sebum) and reduces pimples size too ! It closes your clogged pores and gives proper hydration to your skin .

How to use ice cubes for pimples?

Take ice cubes wrap it into a cotton cloth and massage it all over your face or area where you have breakouts . Massage it for 15 minutes you will see radiant skin in first use do this daily after washing your face .3.Green tea spray - green tea is high in antioxidants that helps in reduction of inflammation .

How to use green tea for pimples ?

Boil 1 cup of water put 1 green tea bag in it same as we prepare it for drinking let it cool put it in a spray bottle and spray it all over your face or affected area instead of a chemical toner you can use this daily . 

 4. Moisturize with aloe vera gel - aloe vera gel is very effective in treating pimples , healing wounds .it has very high anti - inflammatory properties and rejuvanates skin. Many studies have shown aloe vera as most helpful ingredient for pimples reduction . How to use aloe vera gel for pimples ?

Take out aloevera gel from freshly cutted aloe vera leafs or you can use any herbal aloe vera gel from market . Apply it directly on your face and gently massage on your skin for few minutes . Let it sit for 30-45 minutes or 15-20 minutes and wash off with cold water or you can leave it overnight and wash off in the morning .

What is causes acne ?

Acne occurs when pores get clogged with oil and dead skin cells . Acnes may give you spots too . It mostly develops in teens and sometimes in adults too.How to get rid of acne ?

All the above mentioned remedies work same for acnes too and are very effective against both acnes and pimples. But their are few more solutions for acnes .

1. More of zinc - taking good amount of zinc helps in reducing acne . It provides good amount of cell growth .but taking too much of zinc is harmful it can cause stomach pain so take it in moderate amount .a study has found people having low levels of zinc tends to have more acnes .
2. Fish oil supplements - fish oil has omega 3 fatty acids (EPA and DHA). It provides multiple health benefits . It is shown very helpful in treating acne and giving your skin more better texture. 
3. Acne treatments like salicylic acid, niacinamide, tretinoin , retenoids or benzoyl peroxide are proven to be very effective but should be taken under prescription of dermatologist  . These causes redness , dryness  and makes your skin sun sensitive.

4. Detox by lemon and warm water - mix half lemon juice into lukewarm water and have it empty stomach in the morning this drink is so magical as it provides more hydration to your body and also helps in clearing toxins it promises you to give pimple acne free skin and its actually worth .

5.Aspirin treatment - aspirins like disprin tablet contains salicylic acid which dries up the pimples and acne and helps to reduce it.

How to use disprin (aspirin) for face ?

Take 2-3 disprin tablets crush them using a spoon in a bowl add few drops of lemon and mix well apply on affected areas for 15-20 mins and wash off with cold water .after washing take 1 bowl of water and add 1 tablespoon of baking soda mix well and rinse off with this mixture this will make your skin neutral .Tips to remember -

1. No oily food , no junk food only healthy diet.

2. Dont touch your face .

3. Wash your face gently after exercises to get rid of sebum .

4. Try to figure out what is causing you pimples or acne .

5. No sun exposure .

6. Detox by lemon water or any other detox drink .

7. Say no to stress .

8. Get enough sleep .

9.Eat foods rich in antioxidants , vitamin c ,a ,d and zinc .

10.Cut on dairy products .

11. No chemicals on your face 

12. Talk to your dermatologist if needed .

13.Always clean your face then moisturize and put sunscreen . 

14.Always try to keep yourself hydrated .

15. No makeup or less makeup.

16. Exercise regularly .

17. Steaming your face can help in clearing out dirt .

18.Try charcoal masks to remove excess oil and dirt .

19. Do not scrub your face or if you do then be very gentle .

20. Use acne, pimples cream apply them at night as it gets more time to penetrate into your skin and also saves your face from sun

All these methods are tried and tested . Try them out ease your stress .hope you will like these tips and solutions .

Thank you!!

sumitsing 6/9/21, 4:40 AM
Very nice blog 👏well written 👏👏 I Am A " LEVEL 1, SEEKER" .
priyanka_jain 6/9/21, 4:46 AM
Very nice. Support
pradeep.tiwari 6/9/21, 4:47 AM
Nice view
archita08 6/9/21, 4:47 AM
I'll surely try this
raswin007 6/9/21, 4:51 AM
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anoosha_ts 6/9/21, 4:52 AM
Hey fellow mate, Very informative !!
vironica.sharma 6/9/21, 5:07 AM
Great work read mine too❤️
tkratika 6/10/21, 10:48 AM
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Thank you everyone for liking it .♥️
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enigma_23 6/24/21, 12:38 PM
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