Hello everyone thank you for you support. I am writing another blog about anime please read and give me you valuable suggetions.
anime is a animation series created with visual effects, now a days everyone loves anime. every one think that anime is a cartoon but there is lots of difference between cartoon and anime. Cartoon is just for children like as a model or study for paining. But anime is representing the real world and human life.anime is found in japan they mostly write comic books from comics to they created animation series thats called anime.
anime is famous on world wide children to adult addicted to anime. I love anime lot and daily i used to watch lots of anime. They will feel like we are in another imaginary world once we get into it we cant come out from there. Anime is totally cooler then movies. some anime are created by hands and some animes are through CGI computers. when we watch anime we can feel and find real meaning of love,hatred,sadness,relationships. Because i feel that way. Even i can suggest you some good anime read until the end.we can pass the time with these good anime‘s eventually we will fall in love those.its not so easy to creat a animation early in 20th century japan started anime like they mostly write comics,manga’s from there they got idea to turn into animation characters they end up showing us real life of human in anime.
They started showing us real world through anime,anime‘s all are in japanese languag so they subbed and dubbed for other country people it’s convenient to watch when its in english.we can even see the culture and traditions of japan in anime . anime’s are just a creation of art and computer by people its it shows lots of emotions in its like a real world like people will get a thought to being an anime. and by the way not all anime for children when it its have deep storyline,graphic voilence, as well some adult situations are there. we can find anime’s in netflix or some online sites better download it from telegram and watch it because i used to do that.its your wish but miss to watch them.
so here i am recommend you some anime’s for you all watch them and enjoy