We are all very well aware from the term ayurveda but how many of us actually know the details?
Well lets dive into some basic information.
It is known to be divine scripture originating from Brahma dev and then subsequently being scriptured by maharishi. Today we follow three main texts i.e. Charaka samhita, Sushruta samhita, ashtanga sangraha. These texts are written in Sanskrit language and in verse form .
Main aim of Ayurveda is protection of the health of healthy individuals and treatment of different ailments of sick person. It considers every individual unique with different physical and mental characteristics and structure thus everyone requires different medical discipline. Same set of drugs will work differently for different persons. Ayurveda has vata, pitta and kapha as three dosha also called three pillars which maintains the structure and function of organs in normal forms. When disrupted these doshas are known to cause diseases .
Ayurveda focuses on balancing theses doshas to achieve a state of samyata i .e balance. The root cause of diseases are eliminated in order to eliminate the recurrences of disease too. There are various surgical and non surgical procedures that can be done according to the ancient text. Sushruta samhita is the internationally recognised samhita with Acharya Sushruta being the father of surgery. Procedures such as panchakarma ,kshara sutra, abhyanaga, akshi tarpan, kawal,dhoompan,shiro dhara etc are quite renowned.
Majority of disease can be dealt by minor changes in lifestyle .In today's world our lifestyle is the root cause of occurrence of various diseases. We tend to function like a machine but forget to take maintanence break hence resulting in various breakdown. Plus with the advancement of different technologies and sciences we try to achieve everything in blink of eye. But here's the catch our haste has fallen us into various ailments. Although people acknowledge ayurveda but they do hesitate in giving their health the time it requires to heal.
Ayurveda has seen a rise in past few years but still people need to accept it. They must know Ayurveda needs discipline and focus in order to function properly. You can not achieve model figure by sitting on couch and treating yourself with junk . Similarly you cabinet treat yourself just by merely taking pills. You must follow the doctor's advice and give the medicines time to function.Change cannot occur overnight it's a long term process.
Ayurveda can be considered for wellness and health for long term and all the medicines being blend of ancient science and nature are harmless giving you the best of both worlds.
Stay tuned for more information regarding Ayurveda β¦β¦β¦..