Yoga is a branch of religious and spiritual traditions, which are from the ancient Indian practice of Hinduism. The meaning of YOGA is “Y our Objectives Guidelines and Assessment”.Yoga is an antique art that connects our mind and body. It is an exercise that performed by balancing the component of our bodies. In addition, it helps us to meditate and relax.
Now-a-days, millions and millions of people across the globe have been benefited by practicing Yoga on daily basis which has been preserved and promoted by the great eminent Yoga Masters from ancient time to this date.The practice of Yoga is flourishing, and growing more vibrant every day.
Yoga helps us keep control and regulate our bodies and mind. It is a great method for releasing our stress and anxiety.Yoga is a method that connects our body, breath, and mind. It includes physical postures, breathing exercises, and meditation to improve our overall health. Today, most Westerners who practicing yoga do it for exercise or to lower the stress.
There are many different types of Yoga. Interesting Facts About Yoga includes ,Yoga gives a lot of benefits to us, Yoga is an ancient practice. Yoga is all related to breathing. Yoga is a best way of life.The word 'Yoga' is derived from the Sanskrit root 'Yuj', meaning 'to join' or 'to unite'.
The important benefits of yoga are , it improve flexibility, reduce stress, increase strength, reduce anxiety,lower the level of depression, improve quality of life during when we are in sick,give benefit to our immune system and can improve our sleep.Maharishi Patanjali, rightly called "The Father of Yoga" compiled and refined various aspects of Yoga systematically in his "Yoga Sutras" (aphorisms).
The main goal of yoga is integrating the body, mind, and thinking so as to work for good ends.Yoga brings the body and mind together and is built on three main components – movement, breathing and meditation. Yoga consist of many physical and mental health benefits including improved body posture, flexibility, strength, balance and body awareness.
Yoga helps in controlling our body, mind and soul. It bring out the physical and mental discipline together to calm the body and mind. It also helps in lowering stress and anxiety and keeps us relaxed. Yoga asana are known to develop energy, flexibility and confidence.When our body is in motion, it make more intense and blood circulates everywhere, which helps us with renewal of cells. Our sweat and some of the toxins and chemicals in our body are clear away through our pores, which gives oxygen to our skin.
Yoga is known for being relaxing.Now-a-days, millions and millions of people across the globe have been benefited by doing Yoga on daily basis. The practice of Yoga is booming, and growing more active every day.