Hy guys this is Abdul Raheem Ahmed .
In every ones life there are huge no of uncertainity and there is a point where we feel lonely and broken down but then also we need to go for our normal routine of our life though it is difficult n unacceptable by us
Life is very certain and very uncertain though depending on our thinking,thinking plays a vital role in human life the way u think the way you react to it and it affect your future in the same way when is life is uncertain think in a certain way n think how to get outr of it instead of think why is it !!
Its becase god wanted to test us by giving this uncertainty cause he gave us eyes to see ,hand to perform work,and leg to move and brain to think and ears to listen he gave all this to us without even any concent to him so he put some certain moments and see how you reacts to it then will put u in uncertain moments then will check how u react to that whether you stay strong and thank god aur just curse him
LIFE STARTS WHEN COMFORT ZONE ENDS this sentece has a huge meaning life is in comfort when it is certain when the life become uncertain then there is huge development iun human being this is because nothing grows in comfort zone and there is huge number of companys n enterprenuers who get collapsed because of their comfort zone and human brain always agrees to stay in comfort zone and it doesnt want to be in uncertain possition of out of comfort zone
FOR EXAMPLE : My Grand father life was very uncertain and he use to walk ten miles a day .My father is driving a car and is a middel class man ,I am in a mercedes ,my son will be in ferrari ,my gand son will walk again.
Cause tough time creat strong men and strong men creat easy time and easy time creat week men ,And week men creat tough time
‘SUCESS COME TO THOSE WHO DESEVE IT NOT TO THOSE WHO DESIRE IT ' This is very practical quote and is applicable in real world my dad use to say this to me and i think this is the truth