Published Feb 19, 2023
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Y Women Cannot Enter Temple During Menstruation.

Published Feb 19, 2023
2 mins read
404 words

Usually everywhere we go across India we listen to one commonly said think that the women are prohibited from entering temples during their menstruation. I would love to address this issue in a positive way rather than creating a negative impact this is common issue which is based by every women as we all know that once a woman reaches certain age she enters her puberty and menstruation cycle starts every month for up to 5 days.

During this time in the olden days women wear provided rest instead of doing the household source or other works they were kept separately and made to rest but this system was projected in a different and negative way that during the period time women will be impure and they was not touch anything or enter into kitchen. This is a big taboo in our society it's not about the impurities the system was practice during the olden days in order to give women rest she is never considered as impure or cannot touch anything as an untouchable.

Let's talking about the main topic the reason that wemen are not allowed to enter the temple during the menstruation is that the energy inside the temple flows towards upwards but during the menstruation time the blood flow will be downwards where if the women enter temple during menstruation it may create imbalance inside her as the flow of energy inside women will be going downwards but the energy inside the temple but will be going upwards which causes imbalance. 

There is no such strict rule that she can never enter temple during menstruation you can enter temple its your own choice and will but if you enter the temple it causes imbalances that is the only reason that payment but not allowed to go inside the temples as those imbalances would cause severe cramps and pain to the women which she cannot bear during those times. 

So let's bring that end to this issue that women are impure or untouchable during the time of menstruation. Being educated or uneducated we must think and connect to the facts rather than telling the falls things about any better we must know the reason and logic behind the concept why and why not we can do or do not do such things.

Thank you hope it might be helpful and gives knowledge to people who did not know about this issue.

kd.monstar 2/27/23, 3:40 PM
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anja 3/14/23, 5:00 PM
Yes. Not many people know this.. Anyway you explained it well..please read my pages also and support me too as a beginner
sindhiya.palanisamy 4/2/23, 3:47 PM
The Menstrual Period When little girls are in the process of growing into women, there are certain changes that take place. The first major change that will take place is puberty. Puberty is a stage in life when girls will begin to mature both mentally and physically. The physical aspect of maturation will be changes of your body, such as, growing breast, growing body hair, widening of hips, weight and height gain. Puberty takes place at different times for different people, and takes longer for some than it does for others. Puberty is often a hard time, emotionally, especially with female, because of uncertainty and the drastic changes of the body. The reason that young girls begin going through puberty is because of hormones.…show more content… They produce hormones, which is what we just talked about, called estrogen and progesterone. These two hormones are what make it possible to have babies, because they cause the eggs in your The reason that young girls begin going through puberty is because of hormones.…show more content… They produce hormones, which is what we just talked about, called estrogen and progesterone. These two hormones are what make it possible to have babies, because they cause the eggs in your ovaries to mature, allowing pregnancy. When a female’s body is ready for a period, it begins with a cleansing process. This is when the shedding of the lining of the uterus occurs. The lining that built itself up inside the uterus is made of blood and other tissues. The blood and the tissues formed in preparation because the body is expecting to have a baby, but that is not always the case. So when the body senses that there will be no baby, the lining that was built up in the uterus begins to fall apart and leave the body through the vagina which is what causes the bleeding. This whole process is repeated over and over and over every month, unless you become pregnant, then it will stop for a while. Everyone is different, and like puberty, women experience their periods at different times of the month. Also the length (in days) of a period varies. Although the period closely revolves on a 28 day cycle, where the first day is when the bleeding begins. During the bleeding process, and a few days after, a new egg is getting ready to travel down the fallopian tube (ovulation). The next thing which happens in the middle of the cycle, around day 14 of 28, is ovulation While the egg is actually traveling, that is when the lining of blood and tissue is Get Access Related Decent Essays Understand the Potential Effects of Transitions on Children and Young People 4108 Words 17 Pages Puberty is a major transition that all children at some point, will have to go through. It can be a difficult time for both sexes emotionally, socially and physically. 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anita.anitaani 7/22/23, 4:11 PM
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anita.anitaani 7/22/23, 4:48 PM

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