Once there was a dad and his daughter. The daughter did not have a mother so her father had bought her up with immense love and care never scolded or hurted father did all the best things that he could give for his daughter. In order to give a good education in abroad to her, the father started to work more in order to earn huge money he was working from home one day and his daughter was playing.
this is daughter was very small cute and innocent girl she used to come and disturb her father while doing work and she used to ask from any doubts about her play about her school and about all the unnecessary stuffs. My father was very busy and he could not answer to all her questions. his daughter frequently used to come and ask he tried not to scold II but as he was very busy he could not answer for the more questions so he thought of a plan and search a for a magazine. He tore a large piece of paper from that magazine, the page or was filled with the world map. he told that world map page later on he started to take that world map into pieces of small paper that was so much tiny pieces we collected all that pieces mixed it and gave it to his daughter to again re join it and asked her to consider it as a puzzle to make the world map again.
the doctor was very happy after he gave that puzzle. father was relieved that she would take so much time in order to complete that puzzle and he was busy again in his work but daughter came back and knocked door again after 5 minutes and told that she joined the whole map and completed the puzzle. Father was surprised and asked how did she do it. daughter said that there was a cartoon behind that map as she found that easy she joined the cartoon first and then stick it later on the map was ready.
the moral we learn from the story is that everything in life we do has two perspectives and we should choose the right perspective and easy way to do any job here daughter shows one among the easy perspective but the father song in only one perspective and taught that she would not solve the puzzle.