When one says “ I can” they are stating that they are capable of performing whatever task is being proposed.
When one says “ I will” they are saying that they intend to do something.
If one says ‘I can’ and ‘I will’ they are saying that they are capable and they will accomplish whatever it is.
So am going to share my personal life by explaining these words. Now the question arise that how these words came in my life and it changes everything?
Before covid am a college student. My life is going so well and fantastic. I used to watch series with my mom and never do household work . Am a lazy girl always eat , repeat and sleep🥴 but suddenly the life cycle rotates. I start doing household work and taking responsibility of my family.
My mom got breast cancer ‘2nd stage’. She is such a brave lady that I have never seen in my life. She fought so well with this disease and cure herself. She got surgery almost 8 months ago. Now her radiation is going on and treatment is going . She become stronger day by day not only by health also mentally.
At one moment she loose hope but when she sees our family she said these words “ no never say I can't” … always say" I can and I will" . On that day I saw a warrior in her. Because she fought so well even m also can't do if I were in her place. Many ups and downs came in my life but I and my mom never loose the willpower always be positive. That we all most cure the treatment and I hope now she became healthy as she was early.
So never loose hope in any worst Condition always be grateful to God and thank them for every single oxygen u got. Life is very precious always make your willpower more stronger and you will see that you always "win" never loose. Every day is a fresh start. So trust your timing. No such disease is big you can defeat it with your willpower. This is my personal experience I have shared with you guys so that everyone will say “ I can and I will” .
Thanks for reading . Please like and comment your views☺️