Published Jul 5, 2021
2 mins read
487 words
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Life Hacks
Self Improvement

Introspect Within Yourself On Daily Basis

Published Jul 5, 2021
2 mins read
487 words
Introspect yourself on daily basis

Hello. This is just a small realization in life from my personal experience. Have you ever been happy all the time irrespective of situations? If β€˜YES’, well you are on track with universe. If 'NO', question this to yourself. what is the situation that is stealing happiness from you, write it down for yourself. Read it and laugh loudly until you let go off the situation. Once You feel you are no more bounded by the situation , tear the paper in to pieces and affirm to yourself , that you are not bothered by the situation anymore in your life. Keep doing this affirmation until you feel it is true and happening. This is how I take control of my own mind. This one thing by doing consistently, I learnt that nothing is permanent on this planet including us.

Here is a small story as an example that I love the most.

Once upon there was a guru who has 5 shishyas. Everyone of them are highly talented and very obedient. One day guru gave 2000 rupees to each one of them and told them that he will be going out on a work and asked them to spend all of those money before he returns back. All the 5 shishyas took the money , and they started to think of the ways of spending money. 

Among the 5 shishyas, 4 of them with out using their brain, believing in their guru went all out and randomly just bought many things that tallied the amount of 2000 rupees. Only one shishya, who used his brain a lot , started to analyze the reason behind his guru making them do this activity.

In the process of analyzing too much, he got himself confused with what to buy and assuming his guru response in prior ,for the things he was planning to buy, he couldn't even spend one rupee from the amount his guru gave him.

Finally the guru arrives and felt happy for his 4 shishya and praises them for not thinking of anything and blindly believing their guru and implemented whatever he have told.

This activity not only made guru happy for his shishyas, he also made them learn the value of money and time together.

The guru sent all the 4 shishya to next level of training, whereas he calls the shishya who didn't spend the money and made his realize that β€œPerson who doesn't think much and person who always empties mind will always be a seeker”.

we can compare the Guru in the story with GOD in our life. It is the blind belief and faith in HIM, that helps us not to just hang around situations, infact we must believe in HIM, that creation of this situation is an entry-level exam for us for the next big-step in life.


                            Hope this added some value to your day

rahuldansena 7/5/21, 10:22 AM
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niharika.kunder 7/5/21, 10:29 AM
md_0180 7/5/21, 10:36 AM
very thoughtful mine as well...and follow for follow back
mahalingam_06 7/5/21, 12:16 PM
i think i needed to read it... it is like a sign as i m in mess rgt now n require positive words... post more... will be waiting...
royanupam033 7/5/21, 2:45 PM
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sumitsing 7/6/21, 4:47 AM
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