Hi guys 👋 in this blog let' see about job costing method of maybe regarded as the principle method of Costing since the basic object and purpose of all his to analyse and a certain of each unit of production so that it may be possible to control under regulate cost and a determine the Profit ability that is if the form of specific order costing which applies where work is undertaken according to customer specification it involves preparation of a separate caused sheet for each job in this method it has been collected and accumulated according to jobs it is treated as a separate entity for the purpose of costing it is carried out for the purpose of a certaining cost of each job and takes into account and because of material labour and overhead et cetera this system is suitable for automobile service industries interior decoration printing hardware shipping building heavy machinery repair and other similar works it may be employed in the following cases when Jobs or executed for different customers according to the specification when no two orders or alike and each order job need special treatment where the work in progress the first from period to period on the basis of number of jobs in hand but costing this is a form of job under executive used as the cost unit where us under back fasting a lot of similar units with comprise the batches may be used as a cost unit for aftertaining in this case it was separate cost sheet or maintained for each batch of product by assigning a batch number cost per unit in a badge total cost of batch number of items produced in that this system is suitable for following industries paramedical Industries readymade garments Industries manufacturing electronic parts of TV radio set etc the size of this for which both set up and carrying cost or minimum is known as economic batch quantity it is also called optimum batch quantity annual demand set up cost for batch carrying cost as per unit need to identify the bad costing contract is the biggest type of job contract is usually adopted by building contractors engaged in the task of executing civil contract the major part of work is carried out at the site of the contract the bulk of expenses in curd by the contractor or considered as direct the indirect mostly consist of office expense stores and works as separate account is usually maintain for each contract.
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