hi friends,
what is success ,or whom would you call successful in life,there are lot of people from different spheres of life,different areas,different profession,arts sports,music,and many more fields who have made it large in life,who have achieved great success in life, what what is that they have and others don't,what is the one attribute of quality that they have and others don't. the most important attribute that separates successful from unsuccessful is “clarity”. the clarity of “what” to do and "why" to do.
the most important among the two is “why”.
if you ask anybody why u want to do any work the most common answer you will hear is money ,then fame and popularity,but what most of the people fail to understand is that ,they all are outcome or conclusions,they certainly are not the reason or purpose behind doing anything, the outcome of any work can never be the reason behind doing it, they are attained when the purpose behind doing any work is achieved,only after the completion of good work done in a very excellent manner the outcome is achieved .so what are the purposes on which one should focus their work on
so the main purpose behind any work are
3.value addition
no matter which field you belong to,be it business,profession,job,sports ,arts ,science anything, these should be your purpose behind doing any thing
one should focus on creating some thing new for the people to ease their lives , to ease their efforts ,to lesson their load,creation provides better solution to problems,and a better prospect for future
same ways innovation adds up to an existing things and makes it better ,provides a fresh look,resulting in fresh outcome,it enhances efficiency and efficacy.Innovation applies to all those things which have lost their charm or usefulness with time but are still relevant in lives.
now comes “value addition”,this applies to people in jobs or services
by doing thier work in better and effecient ways ,applieing new and fresh ideas and better techniques they can add upto the value of services,so focusing on how the job can be done in better ways so that the outcome is achieved better ,value addition is very much important.
so in conclusion we can say instead of running for money ,fame ,popularity which are outcome ,focus on the real purpose,
working for a good and definite purpose will never make you loose interest in doing any work,it will always inspire and motivate you to keep going , there will be ups and downs but you will always come up winner cause your purpose is wholestic and for better cause,whatever you will earn out of it will give you happiness and satisfaction,and will keep you ways from worrying of failures and defeat.
focus on the real purpose and not the outcome