Published May 6, 2023
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Small Grains That Are Good For The Body:

Published May 6, 2023
3 mins read
572 words

Our ancestors said that food is medicine. The nutritious food they ate then is the reason for their health even today. Today's young generation has been pushed to the stage where medicine is food. The reason for this is the changing food habits. Today, fast food has become a culture. This has also become a source of diseases. To protect our body from this, nutritionists say that we should go back to the ancient diet. Cereals provide essential nutrients to the body. Nutritionists say that by cooking and eating grains like rice, wheat, barley, varaku, rye, corn, and samai, the body's immunity will increase, fat content will decrease, and obesity will not occur. Small grains ladies! If you want to get pregnant...make these changes in your will see results immediately! Small grains like rye, sorghum, sorghum, sorghum, sorghum etc. In villages today there are people who cook small grains and eat them. That's why they don't get diabetes, obesity, heart disease etc.

Rye, corn:

Wheat contains minerals and nutrients like protein, calcium and phosphorus. It increases the digestive power. Keeps body temperature balanced. It dissolves unwanted fats and reduces obesity. It increases milk production in mothers. Increases body strength. Corn contains protein, iron and calcium which are essential for the body. Corn foods can give strength to the body. Reduces obesity. Treats stomach ulcers. Eliminates bad breath. Corn meal is not suitable for hemorrhoids.

Varaku, Ragi:

Barley is rich in protein, iron and calcium. It can reduce body weight. It is good for women with menstrual disorders to cook and eat it. The most nutritious of the grains is buckwheat. It is also known as ragi. It also contains protein, mineral salts, calcium, iron and vitamins. It keeps the body temperature in balance. Strengthens the intestines. Even diabetics can eat products made from kelp. Ragi malt is made with buckwheat.


Samai food is suitable for people of all ages. It relieves constipation. Controls stomach related diseases. Good for male sperm production and elimination of impotence. Diabetics can also eat food prepared in samai.

Samba rice:

There are many types of rice that we use for daily food like Buckwheat rice, boiled rice and samba rice. Boiled rice is good for health. No constipation. Tamarind is not easily digestible. Increases fat content. This causes obesity. People with stomach related diseases should avoid tamarind. People who are weak can eat tamarind. According to Samba, Seerakasamba rice is effective in treating early rheumatism. Stimulates appetite. Impressive rice is delicious to eat. But the bile will accumulate. Kundu Champa, Pepper Champa, Jasmine Champa, Manichampa, Goraychampa, Kadchampa, Kurunj Champa etc. are full of medicinal properties.

Wheat, barley:

Wheat has more nutrients than rice. Wheat contains many nutrients like protein, sugar, calcium, phosphorus, iron, carotene, niacin. It is the best food for people suffering from diabetes. No constipation. People of North India use wheat as a whole time food. It is better to make chapatti without kneading the oil and eat it. Good for health. Barley is suitable for eating from children to old people. Both sick and healthy people can eat it. Distilled and drunk as a porridge, it flushes out excess water from the body and reduces weight. Able to relieve body dryness. People with chronic constipation can be cured by eating barley. Prevents fever. Keeps the temperature balanced. It helps to pass urine freely. Heals intestinal ulcers. Relieves cough. Strengthens bones.

selva_raj 5/18/23, 11:44 AM
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