Every one complaints about their skin that my skin is oily or say there is open pores or black heads. In my experience Aloe Vera is the best and simple remedy for those who are having all these issues. By applying Aloe Vera gel on your open pores it helps to reduce them, by applying it regularly you can notice that your skin is glowing and the open pores are started reducing. Aloe Vera also helps to prevent blackheads, dark circles, acne etc. I personally use this life saving hack and it is a part of my daily routine.
Hope you will also get some benefits of Aloe Vera.
There few numbers of benefits of using Aloe Vera gel, Let us see few of them:
It can reduce open pores.
It helps in prevent acne.
It helps in reduce dark circles.
It gives a glow to your skin.
It moisturize your skin.
It helps to reduce black heads.
We can also use Aloe Vera gel as a hair mask for the nourishment of our hairs. Twice in a week apply the Aloe Vera gel on your hairs and let them for 15 min to 30 min. After that rinse of the gel with normal tap water not so cold not o warm. Repeat this 2-3 times in a day and see what it does to make your hairs shine and healthy. Every day you can apply the gel on your face before 30 min of bath, if the gel is refrigerated than it will be more beneficial for the skin. Pour some gel and rub on your face gently for 3-4 min and let it left for 30 min then rinse of with cold water. You can also use it in night while you go to sleep apply the gel and left it over night then rinse of in the morning.
Aloe Vera is also beneficial for our health too, as many people use to drink Aloe Vera juice to be fit because Aloe Vera juice purifies our blood and help our body to fight with diseases. You can add some more ingredients with Aloe Vera to make it more healthy and tasty let say orange, watermelon, chia seeds etc. and many others.
If one cannot able to get the Aloe Vera gel then don't worry you can grow a plant at your home very easily. It doesn't required much efforts to grow an Aloe Vera at home.
Thank you