hey all, this is my first blog here hope you guys like it
So the blog is about listening , I know it seems weird but I assure you it'll be helpful in someway
How listening is different from hearing , as hearing doesn't need your presence of mind while to listen a thing your presence of mind and heart is mandatory.
Anyone can speak like, everyone have something to tak , some problems to share , some situations to convey but to whom we tell all these ? It requires a listener
When someone wants to say something listen it with all ears listen to it with the presence mind and heart , while someone is speaking to you don't get distracted by your gadgets keep it aside and have eyes and ears on them
By listening you might not solve there problem but you can pray for them to have strength to deal with there problems and pain
Listening doesn't make there problem ho away but make them feel relaxed, loved and secure that someone is there with me and for me
Listening is a charity which doesn't cost you your wealth but just your some quality time and non judgemental ears and mind to listen
This charity will benefit not just them but also it benefits you in million ways ,it requires just your presence for loved ones , a little kind heart is it all wants and a humanity .
Sharing just your problems all the time may benefit only the speaker but Listening once talk will benefit both the speaker and listener , for speaker as a solution and for listener as a lesson
Listening doesn't mean you will give your ears to anything and everything .Don't listen to the back bites or negative talks ignore the bad things said to you or about you . Rather, listen to the oppressed one how they've been oppressed by the oppressors, the depressed one about their problems and the depression they are dealing with, their pain how they are enduring it so that your Presence will make them calm and secure and make them feel there are humans who care about us and believe me that will give them the strength automatically to deal with things. Try it ..
Hope my blog is useful for who read it ,if you like it kindly continue to support me and tell me if I need to correct things
In part 2 I'll try to share more thoughts on listening
Kindly support me dear users so that I continue to share my thoughts with the world
With love,
_being anonymous