Hi everyone!! Today I will be talking about what happens when you are alone ? and what are its benefits? Before jumping right into the topic I would like to clear the difference between being alone and being lonely.
So, being alone means you like being with yourself and you enjoy your own company or you are comfortable with just yourself, while being lonely means you may enjoy company of other people but you feel abandoned by them or feel like they are not paying much attention to you, you don't enjoy solitude.
The world currently is divided into two groups : the first one made up of lonely souls and the other one which comprises the one's who walk alone. Though many people use them interchangeably, they are not at all same. It is found that people who are lonely just thrive to talk to someone they are mostly sad or sometimes even depressed. On other hand people who like being alone are very strong because they have a purpose, they are independent and don't require anyone else's company.
Now, I would like to list down some benefits of being alone:
So, these are the 15 main benefits of being alone which I have experienced myself and in my opinion being alone is a far more better than being in company of people whom you don't connect with or who are toxic or manipulators. Please note that I am not telling you completely cut yourself out from the the world but just spend more time with yourself. As the one who begins to understand himself , begins to understand the world and those who walk alone have the strongest direction.
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