Hello everyone in my previous blog I introduced you to what is advertising and we learnt that advertising is a form of communication which is mainly focused to gain consumer attention towards a service or a product. We also learnt that advertising is a flourishing career field and a highly rewarding profession. We also learnt about how it is different from marketing and selling. Today we will be discussing some attributes or features of advertising. Advertising is an outstanding concept of marketing with really good features. The first being that it is a mass communication process. Every piece of advertising and satisfaction of human want focuses on fullfilling there needs and desires. Advertisers like manufacturers and dealers use this mass media to communicate the message to a target audience which is a group of people who are interested and are prospect buyers of a particular good or a service. It is a known fact that everyone today watches TV and gets influenced by the ads they watch regularly. Hence we can say that advertising is a mass communication process as it is a way of communicating a message to million of people across the globe. The next feature of advertising is that it is informative in action. Each and every piece of advertisement gives information to its readers or viewers about a company or its products or services. Advertising can also be called as a persuasive act since it persuades and encourages the consumers to buy a specific product or take benefit or a specific service. It induces or stimulates a desire within them for that product or the service through different ad channels. We can also call it a competitive act since today competition is very high and to make their products and services seen by a lot of people companies have too think out of the box while making an advertisement. It is a paid job. It is a deliberate and a planned act of persuasion done by the sender of message so that his message can reach a mass audience. Advertising is also and impersonal attempt to present a message regarding the product or a service or the idea. It is so because the manufacturers and the consumers are not in a direct contact with one another. Like when you watch a ad of Titan watch you don't see the owner directly persuading you to buy it. So this is it for today. I hope you understood the attributes of advertising. I will meet you in my next blogs. Please like and follow.