Songs!! Everyone has their own test am I right?Yess! There would be a very few who don't love them. But can someone imagine…how great influence these songs have on us. Sometimes they act as medicines..proved by medical institutions!! But I think sometimes, when we are sad, depressed or negatively charged and listen to sad songs they act as a catalyst leading to increament in our negative thoughts rate. We go with the flow of each word instead of coming out from that stressful situation. We listen to such songs and become more habitual to just sit and listen them whenever the wrong situation appears. And with this…habits instead of coming out from such situations we prefer to listen them and blame the situation. Instead whenever we are sad, depressed, things are not working out properly… we should sit quite think and look towards it postively. Ya it's difficult..but keep trust in u…everything is negative until we see it postive. Like only morning can overcome night. Positivity can overcome negativity. Any changes, bad situations in our lives are sign that u need to change something in u. Frnds!! So just believe in yourself. Everything happens for a purpose on this earth..and will make u more strong. Don't lie on beds listen songs and cry. Yes u should cry..! But not all time. Once u cried…now it's time to rise. Hey!! Listen again.
Believe in yourself. Search everything with a postive mindset. Worst to worst situations can be handled nothing is permanent. Ya and change your taste. I said listening sad ones make negative impact not all. Yes I am telling to search for positivity. Move towards which will encourage you. Yes Songs can also sometimes act as a motivation booster. They can be mood refresher. Nowadays they are used in medical theories also. Our brain responses vigorously to them. So what we listen and see makes a very great impact on our thoughts. Try to explore which will make u feel to rise in this tough situation you are facing. Sometimes they are useful to express ourselves more than anything else. So I say every coin has two sides who have to decided which u want…I m here talking about postive and negative..coin was just an example🤪. Make your thoughts and mindset change automatically everything will be normalised.