Take me back to the six year old me, when I was not bothered by the problems around me. Take me back to the time when everything was fine. Take me back to the innocence I had. To the time I would look at the sky to enjoy the endearing beauty of the moon and the stars. Take me back to the old me who was so happy playing with a puppy in the street. To the old me who knows nothing but unconditional love.
Take me back to the shade of giant banyan tree standing straight with its prosperity in the middle of paddy fields. Take me back to the pond where we used to catch fish using towel. Take me back to that place where the air carries the smell of jasmine.
Take me back to the time when I had sleeped so peacefully hugfing mom and dad. To the time when I used to dance to the every advertisement song I heard. Take me back to the time when we fought over a little piece of chocolate and making up withing minutes. Take me back to the time when I used to get drenched in the rain on the way to school. To the evenings when I used to run straight to the kitchen after the school.
Take me back to the time when I used to have wounds on the knee rather than in the heart. Take me back to the old me who doesn't even think once before doing something I like. To the innocence I had, to believe in strangers. Take me back to the time when I used to sit in the back seat of the scooter of my father, tightly holding onto his shirt.
Take me back to the featival that held in the temple every year and the mesmerising fireworks in the early morning. Take me back to the steps infront of my house where we sat counting the number of passengers passing by. Take me back to the nights when I used to sleep hearing stories.
No matter how much you grow up, you'll still miss the child you used to be. No matter how much you try to recreate the older version of you, there will be something missing that you cannot fill up. Don't be hard on yourself. Growth is painful. Change is painfull. But smile a little more. Laugh a lot. Live the life without regrets.