Take me to the stars, where nobody would find us, through the clouds, beyond the horizon.I'm just behind you holding you tight, immersed in my own thoughts.
Take me to the stars. Where all our sorrows disappear, where all our dreams would come along, where we can hold our hands and melt into the soulfull night.
Take me to the stars.Lets fight over silly matters. But listen boy, it won't last for ten minutes. Lets hug each other until our breath becomes one. Lets sit still looking at each other, dwelling into our souls through eyes.
Take me to the stars. Lets go for a date, sipping wine, gazing at the countless stars, dancing along the music holding each other in our arms.And then, when you sleep, I'll stay beside you looking at those closed eyes, that small scar near your eye, that faint smile on the corner of your lips. I'll cherish each and every moment as if it was my last.
Take me to the stars. To repay you for all your sleepless nights, for the time you made for me, for the effort you put to make me smile and for all the love and care.
Take me to the stars. I'll be yours forever. Lay down on my lap, I'll sing that song which you haven't heard of.A song that is made only for you. Just the two of us in the silence underneath the stars.
Take me to the stars. To keep our soul alive, to reflect each other till the eternity, to melt into each other, to face the obstacles together.
Take me to the stars. To laugh and cry. To cuddle and giggle. To sleep in each others arms. To count the stars. To make the life a little more beautiful.
Take me to the stars. I swear, I would look at you the whole time you talk, the way you move your hands, the way you smile, the way you give that stare when I say something you don't like, the sparkle in your eyes when you talk about something you love.
Lets grow old together, never letting each others hand, through all the thick and thin, with a heart made of love, and then when everything feel ethereal lets go back to where we belong. Once again to all those sadness and misfortunes. But I wish to meet you even un that endless chaos. To fall in love all over again.