Relationship is a state of being connected. This is a bond where two people learn to grow together 👫. It not need only love but need much more than that. For example, consider a seed it does not need only water to grow but need fertile soil a lot of care and protection the same is a healthy relationship. It needs respect, care, support, time and continuous efforts on one another. It feels different when you are really loved by someone 🙂. In Modern days relationship is not what that it actually means bodies are loved more than the soul should be loved. Cheated people are everywhere Most of the Young population is heart broken💔 and stressed. Where there is love there is respect. Never trust someone too blindly even your shadow left your side in darkness what can we say about someone. Be a human who always helps the needy one not a devil who keeps seeking his own advantage.I hope my article will help you in choosing the right partner for yourself.
You will not believe but 1 OUT OF 3 youngster are in toxic relationship (The one that doesn't let you grow and depends on physical stuff) (statics) . Youngsters after being broken rush towards more toxic thing i.e 💊 which eats them physically and make them more dependent over something.
REMEMBER never never depend on someone for living your own and don't let someone change your charm .
The sign that appears in a toxic relationship
1- Uninterested
2- Deflecting responsibility and blame
3- Trying to change one another
4- Frequent argument
5- lack of trust
Try to spread love around you and see how things radiate vibes and you will feel a different energy inside you which arise when you help each other your small efforts can change someone life.
Make your partner feel loved and wanted all the time. That's the foundation of strong relationship 😉❤
If you love reading the blog like and share on 1000 likes I will write my own love story in the next blog