Hello everyone,
How are you all, hope you all are doing well. I am back with my another topic which is all about the block printing. Block printing is a process Or we can say a tool used to print patterns on the fabric. This topic related to the textile designing. So, let's begin with this topic.
Block printing is the process of printing patterns by means of engraved wooden blocks. It is the earliest, simplest and slowest of all methods of textile printing. Block printing by hand is a slow process. It is, however, capable of yielding highly artistic results, some of which are unobtainable by any other method.
Block printing can be of two types one is the natural block printing, in which we get the design or patterns from the vegetables. Another one is handmade block which has many more designs and patterns and are easy to apply.
These are the different designs of handmade blocks. These blocks are very useful and very easy to apply. With the help of these blocks work is done very quickly .As these blocks are already designed the thing we have to do is only to apply tha colors on it the print the design on the fabric.
Like this we have to apply any color on the block which we want to see on the fabric. It's a very simple method. For the block printing we can only use the fabric color if we are using any other color like poster color, color or the print design will get disappear after the first wash. So it's good to use only fabric which will never disappear after the wash also.
Vegetables block printing is not that easy, if we are using the vegetables which have already any shape which comes on the fabric very beautifully than it's easy otherwise it's become very difficult to create design the cut the then applying color and the last stage to apply the design on the fabric. Onions, ladies finger and lemon have already pattern design on it so we don't need to make design on it. With these three vegetables it's easy to apply the pattern on the fabric quickly.
But vegetables like potato and carrots don't have any design on it so we have to first make designs on it then cutting it, then applying color on it then the last stage is to apply it on the fabric. So sometimes it's very difficult to make patterns through vegetables on the fabric. The second disadvantage of using vegetables are that they produce excessive water which sometimes destroy the designs of the fabric.
Hope you will enjoy reading this.
Thank you.