Published Apr 27, 2023
9 mins read
1793 words
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Once Upon A Time There .............{Scary}

Published Apr 27, 2023
9 mins read
1793 words


                        A Gathering of the Sublime Immortals

You have this, Felix. You're polished and ready. Show them you were the best decision.

"Goodbye, Everybody! We have an incredibly, energizing… um, hi? Howdy?" The group, talking enthusiastically among themselves, failed to acknowledge. He was enticed to tap on the mic as certain individuals do, however he expected that would appear to be crude.

"Excuse me? Please, everybody… in the event that you would, uh, sit down and… alright, uh, we should calm down. Shush, shush."

Felix could feel himself becoming upset with the loud gathering. His face was pale, rakish, and stunningly still, yet it had started to bend into something not exactly human. A snarl ascended from his throat, "RRRRR Quietness!" The word tore out of him like a creature being butchered. A few of the close by vampires murmured at him accordingly. He murmured back, out of intuition more than anything.

It wasn't the means by which he needed to begin his most memorable gathering, however basically it was successful. They were sitting down, and most were focusing, yet furiously.

"Alright, people, welcome to the - " he made a demonstration of really taking a look at the standard, "239th gathering of the Sublime Immortals!" He roared the name with fervor, then, at that point, added, "of New Britain."

Dispersed, apathetic adulation fluttered around the room.

"Much thanks to you for coming. I understand I might be a new face to some of you. Assuming you've perused the bulletin, you'll realize I go by Felix Freeman, however you can call me The Master High Ruler … of our half-yearly gathering of the G.I.N.E.!" He stopped and grinned, "Haha! Simply joking, Felix is fine."


Yikes, Felix. They helped you out and allowed you this opportunity, halting blowing it.

He made a sound as if to speak. "I was adequately fortunate to be chosen to pursue the part our dear companion Ignatius, as some of you might be aware, was guillotined for eating his town's #1 lady."

The room was as yet quiet.

"He generally had a sweet tooth."

Loud chuckling overwhelmed the crowd.

Saved it! Golly! Great, man.

"Alright, so a touch of information and updates, then we'll get to the festival!" The room applauded excitedly, and he really wanted to grin a bit. "Fantastic! So first, our number one Berkshire  will not be going along with us this evening. Or on the other hand unfortunately, at any point in the future. 

There was a misunderstanding with the caskets. They were shipped off a graveyard and covered while we currently have three treated senior residents in the entryway.

 To exacerbate the situation, when they burst from their limits recently, in what we as a whole know is an exhilarating piece of synchronized rise, it was a disgusting, bright evening. Normally, they emitted into flares."

He shook his head contritely.

"May their godlike spirits rest in notoriety," the room recited together.

"For sure," Felix proceeded. "Second thing to take care of, another vampire hunting bunch has sprung up nearby. They're situated in Manchester, New Hampshire.

 We didn't give them much notification right away. They were by all accounts rather unprepared college understudies who, frankly, looked more heavenly than troubling. Nonetheless, they have fostered another sort of weapon."

He utilized a couple of iron utensils to show a wooden stake with light green streaks. "This is something many refer to as garlic wood," a few vamps murmured at the name. "Some botanist has fostered a garlic bulb that grows a woody tail, and presently they're cutting them into these. Sickening." He jeered at it.

"So watch out. Clearly, the stakes will not be deadly to us - except if you're hit in the heart or the head - however the garlic will unquestionably make an imprint. Also, we would rather not spend each snapshot of the remainder of endlessness resembling that, presently isn't that right?"

The group sneered and booed at the idea.

You're killin' it, Felix!

"Last thing, we simply need to remind everybody it's sunlight reserve funds this end of the week, so make a point to change your clocks! We as a whole recollect what happened last year to the Springfield Six… such a misfortune."

He fixed his papers and breathed out, "Alright, that is all there is to it for my updates. I'll free it up to the gathering. Some other news to share?"

An old, tubby vampire stood up, and a couple of crowd individuals moaned. "Hello there, everybody, the greater part of you know me, I'm Henrik, and I really want to converse with you about brilliant shots."

The crowd burst into a chorale of groans and yells.

"you, Henrik!"

"Continuously with this intrigue poo!"

"God, shut up!"

"Henrik, presently we know your hypothesis on this, and it's a decent one," Felix contributed, "yet it's indisputable that brilliant projectiles were a legend made by our progenitors to bankrupt the Dutch."

The group mumbled in arrangement.

"Indeed, yes," yielded Henrik, "and it was very compelling. Van Helsing kicked the bucket destitute and with Refining Lung. Yet, the Vatican has begun selling an appointed form. With a Blessed Water place!"

The group developed to somewhat of a thunder then, at that point, uncertain whether to trust Henrik, "Liar!" somebody yelled, "This is only business as usual nonsense!"

"I'm not lying!" The round vampire whimpered, "Look." He pulled up his shroud. Underneath it, the arm was feeling the loss of, his shoulder gruffly ending at a contorted stump.

Everybody burst out diversely then, distraught at the Congregation and irate at Henrik for covering the lead. He had a specific expertise for irritating his kindred vampires.

"A gathering of nearby trackers pooled their cash and purchased a container," Henrik proceeded. "They killed two of my coven. I was fortunate to pull off a dissection."

"Grr, the Vatican!" Felix growled, hurling a clench hand down on his platform for impact. "They have more gold than anybody! Furthermore, blessed water. Not uplifting news for We the Godlike Offspring of Night." He pulled it together once more, "Thank you for the data, Henrik. In the future, lead with the dismantling. Alright, any other person?"

"Uh, um, yes," a youthful looking vampire remained into close to the rear of the room, "I'm new, my name is, uh, Transform... uh, Transform . I recently pondered, uh, the number of are in this gathering?" His eyes shot around as a dot of sweat moved down his pale temple.

"Gracious, uh, great inquiry," Felix answered. "Constance, do you have our most recent count?"

A lady situated at a little work area with conveniently styled silver hair quit taking bounteous notes and eliminated her feline eye glasses. She leafed back a couple of pages in her book, "We are at… 47 after you deduct the Berkshire coven and Henrik's two."

"And afterward there's Miriam," an old, exceptionally tall vampire tolled in, bringing one finger up in the air. "She went to a tanning salon and burst into flares in the corner." Everybody saw him in shock, so he added, "Gracious, sorry, surmise I ought to have referenced that earlier..."

"Uh, better believe it, Daminov," Felix said with a look of complete irritation. "No tanning, people! Constance, add that to the rundown."

Constance wrote something down and afterward refreshed her previous proclamation, "Alright, so 46 then, at that point."

The tall vampire made some noise once more, "Coincidentally, am I the one in particular who can smell a human?" The gathering murmured and glanced around to see the others' thought process.

"Indeed, supper will be served soon," Felix proposed, "perhaps that is the thing you're smelling?"

"No, I can smell them nearby. This is nearer."

"I ate not long before I came here?" Henrik offered, provoking additional moans from the gathering. Obviously, he'd eaten just before a blowout.

"No, I don't smell blood. I smell all out human."

The gathering started sniffing the air around them and gesturing in arrangement, individually. In the mean time, toward the rear of the room, the vampire calling himself Morpheus was attempting to get out of his column tactfully.

"Excuse me," he murmured, "I need to go to the washroom. Excuse me." One more globule of sweat trickled off his temple.

However, it was past the point of no return. The gathering was all confronting him currently, some actually sniffing the air. He attempted to go about as though he smelled something as well, mirroring their sniffs, albeit rather unconvincingly. He stumbled a little as he started bumbling for something under his robe. There was a gleam of metal for simply a case before Felix was there, with terrifying abruptness, prying a weapon out of the sham's hand.

Another vampire controlled the man as Felix examined the gun. In any case, little twists of smoke rose from where it connected with his tissue, yet he kept on holding it. "I'm let down, Morpheus. No etiquette by any stretch of the imagination! This is an exceptional night for us."

He delicately cleared the pale cosmetics off the man's temple, uncovering his warm, living, blood-filled tissue underneath.

He opened the firearm and fished out a shot, dropping it on the table before it could consume him to an extreme. "Are these wood-tipped, silver shots?!" he gave it a whiff, "And with a garlic community?! You beast, Morpheus!" He slapped the individual just in case. "These could cause some genuine harm! Constance, add them to the rundown. Mark them as 'non-deadly' except if - "

"Indeed, except if in the heart or the head, got it," she interfered.

Felix turned around to the Gatecrasher, "Morpheus, Morpheus… tsk, tsk, how are we going to manage you?" he expressed, gradually for sensational impact, "Goodness, Transform e-us… ."

The human frowned and looked from one side to another, a piece puzzled.

The vampire holding him recoiled a bit and murmured to Felix, albeit not exactly discreetly enough, "Simply a F.Y.I., manager I believe that is a made-up name. It's from a film… The Framework? Ya dig? Keanu Reeves? No?"

Felix felt a flush of humiliation. Followed by a shock of outrage. Everything had been going so well.

The group was watching him intently.

He squinted his eyes then, at that point, and his teeth slid gradually out as he murmured coolly, "The human can call himself what he enjoys. As far as I might be concerned, he'll be known as... supper."

The room was quiet for a beat, then, at that point, burst into cheers and murmurs.

Blast. Take that, Transform - uh,

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Scary story

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