Published May 3, 2022
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443 words
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Culture Method In Bacteriology Microbiology

Published May 3, 2022
2 mins read
443 words

Types of culture method

Streaking method,lawn culture, stroke culture,stab culture,pour plate method and spread plate method. 

Streak method

This method is used to grow bacteria in the solid medium prepared in the Petriplate.This is used for the isolation of pure culture from the clinical sample.The steak method produces isolated colonies bacteria can be sub cultured to obtain pure culture of bacterium.

In this method,the inoculum is picked with the help of sterile loop from the sample and is applied on the solid medium refered to as well inoculum.From the inoculation site the lines of streak are made.from the first line of streaking second line of four streaking are made in different directions.This is called quadrant streaking method.In general the last streaking lines will produce discrete colonies.

Three sector T streaking is another method where in the Petri plate is divided into three sector by drawing a T under the Petri plate.Tge inoculum is picked by a sterile loop and is a sterile loop from the line of first streaking in to the second sector and from there a third streaking is made into the third sector.

Lawn culture

A lawn culture is made to test the antibiotics sensitivity of bacteria.It is also called carpet culture.It is also used in the bacteriophage typing and for the preparation of Bacterial antigen and vaccine.It provide uniform growth of bacterium on the surface of a solid agar in a Petri plate.the bacterial inoculum picked from the broth is evenly spread on the entire surface of a solid medium with the helps of sterile swab.The automated machine like spiral plater are also used to prepare lawn culture.

Stroke culture 

This method is used to prepare stock culture of bacteria on the agar slant.In this method,the bacterial inoculum is streaked on the surface of the agar slant.The agar slant conserve space and medium and thus are used to prepare stock culture of bacteria.

Stab culture

In this method the Solid or semi solid medium present in tube is punctured by the straight wire charged with bacteria.The stab culture is used in the demonstration of gelatine liquification by bacteria to demonstrate the Bacterial Motility in semisolid agar and to prepare stock culture.

Pour plate method

The pour plate method is used to determine the number viable bacteria present in the given sample.In this method the sample is first poured in the Petri plate.Then,the molten agar at the temparature of 45 degree celcius is poured in the Petri plate and swirled to mix the sample with the medium.

Streaking method
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subir_cdlmnkblog 5/3/22, 5:52 PM
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