Personal Development
Olympic Games 2021 History And About
Hello everyone welcome back to my blog as you have read the title today I am going to tell you about Olympic game and want to give my review about it.
So guys if you have read the newspaper everyday our country is becoming more proud on our Indian sports person
So guys let's get started the Olympic games are scheduled to take place from July 21st through August 8 2021 and every talk about the paralympics the paralympics are scheduled for August 24 proof September 5 2021 and as we expected most of the events will take place write in Tokyo it is after all called the Tokyo Olympic games
In this Olympic Games India has been playing very good and making all the Indians as well as our country proud
Olympic Games has many advantages which is beneficial for not only India but for all the other countries some of the advantages of Olympic Games for all the countries are ;
- Olympic Games encourage the investment transport as well as in infrastructure
- A major Sporting events like the Olympic Can attract thousands of people for the duration of the game this foreign tourist bring a boost to the local economy in particular the local tourist trade shop hotels will benefit from the search in visitors number however it is the worth noting that these visitors number tend to be temporary which means that the last for a few weeks only but helped a lot in the economy
- Typically major Sporting events acquire investment in building stadiums and hotels these create job for the local economy for up to 4 years before and even these extra job help create a positive multiplier effect with the local economy it is hoped that the London Olympics will help regenerate the east of end of the London
- It is estimated that the Olympic effect lead to a boost in the economic growth due to high investment and foreign visitors this leads to higher tax revenues for the government
Cost required for hosting the Olympics
- Olympic Mein required investment that is unused after the games and which means there is ineffective investment
- It leads to local face inconvenience and cognition during games
- It helps to cause to tax Where's hosting Olympics cost local taxpayers
- Olympic Stadium left and used hard to make full use of Olympic stadiums after games
- Public not always supportive many nokan in Rio de janerio felt money misused on game
- Unsuccessful games from cities faced with large losses.
So everyone this was it for today's blog hope you like this keep reading keep supporting and wait for the next blog.